Mesotherapyfrom 2000 RUB
Facial peelsfrom 2000 RUB
Face cleaningfrom 1800 RUB
Facial peelsfrom 2000 RUB
Face cleaningfrom 1800 RUB
Massage service
Anticellulite massagefrom 1700 RUB
Classic massagefrom 1700 RUB
Massotherapyfrom 1700 RUB
Lymphatic drainage massagefrom 1400 RUB
Belly massagefrom 1000 RUB
Face massagefrom 1000 RUB
Leg massagefrom 1000 RUB
Hand and Arm massagefrom 1000 RUB
Back massagefrom 1000 RUB
Foot massagefrom 800 RUB
Massage cervical areafrom 1000 RUB
Classic massagefrom 1700 RUB
Massotherapyfrom 1700 RUB
Lymphatic drainage massagefrom 1400 RUB
Belly massagefrom 1000 RUB
Face massagefrom 1000 RUB
Leg massagefrom 1000 RUB
Hand and Arm massagefrom 1000 RUB
Back massagefrom 1000 RUB
Foot massagefrom 800 RUB
Massage cervical areafrom 1000 RUB
Epilation, depilation
Waxing bikinifrom 1300 RUB
Waxing legs (full)from 1300 RUB
Waxing underarmsfrom 500 RUB
Waxing arms (full)from 800 RUB
Waxing legs (full)from 1300 RUB
Waxing underarmsfrom 500 RUB
Waxing arms (full)from 800 RUB